Hi! I’m Wendy, a UX designer passionate about making a positive impact on the world through meaningful design. I brought this philosophy of social impact design to all the projects I’ve worked on, from healthcare to science.

My design journey started after the completion of graduate degree in HCI from the University of York. I launched my career in HTC’s R&D department working on UX and Interaction Design. Currently, I am Lead Product Designer at kiipo, a social enterprise startup based in Taipei.

What attracted me to design is its holistic nature and story-telling components—seeing different perspectives and putting it all together into a comprehensive story. My wide-ranging interests in art, psychology, anthropology, etc., as well as a background in Computer Science, all come together into the way I design.

Outside of work, you can find me traveling, strolling through galleries and museums, enjoying tea and reading, or doing yoga. I describe myself as deeply curious, always interested in new things, always trying to improve myself. Currently I’m learning about urban design, architecture, and anthropology.

Let's make something awesome together!

Say hello!
Feel free to shoot me a message at
© 2020 Designed and developed with love by Wendy